Brew Guide: Iced Pourover

How to brew an Iced Pourover Coffee

We recently shared a post of how to make a pourover (i.e. percolation method) with the Chemex brewer.

With the weather showing a bit more steady warmth & sun, we’re sharing how to turn that into one of the best ways to experience a refreshing, iced, single-origin brew.

This recipe yields one 12-oz serving.

Brew Method: Aeropress

Type of Brew Produced: Medium-bodied; “Clean” cup, yet flavorful

What You’ll Need:

PS Iced coffee and muffin
  1. Heat water to boil.

  2. In the meantime, weigh out 18-22 grams of coffee and rinse your Aeropress brewer+filter with water.

  3. Use a very fine grind (just above espresso), and add the coffee to the brewer.

  4. Fill a large, sturdy mug (or preferably a pitcher with a spout) with 100g of ice and place your Aeropress on the mug.

  5. Pour 50g of water into the middle of the bed of coffee. Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds.

  6. Slowly pour an additional 150g of water and stir to ensure all the grounds are evenly saturated.

7. Allow the coffee to brew for 2:00 minutes. In the meantime, prepare a tall glass with ice filled half way (or ~50g :)

8. When the brew time is up, remove the mug/aeropress from the scale, add the plunger and slowly press down, forcing the brewed coffee onto the ice, flash cooling it. Pro Tip: Slow down your plunge when you hear an airy-hissing noise.

9. Carefully pour it into the serving glass. Add ice to your preference.

10. Compost your filter and grounds. Serve and enjoy!
