Baratza Encore

Baratza Encore


The ultimate entry-level grinder for your craft coffee journey- the key difference to the taste in your cup. The Encore provides consistent grinds for brew methods from espresso to French Press and everything in between. Straightforward controls make your daily routine simple and easy. Load up your hopper with your favorite beans, turn the hopper to the grind setting you want, switch the Encore on and let the precision conical burrs deliver consistent, quality ground coffee every time. Beyond a great coffee-making experience, the Encore lets you explore new coffee flavors - With 40 individual grind settings, you can find the perfect grind size for all brewing methods. The hopper can hold 8 ounces of whole beans, and the clear grounds bin has a fill line to indicate how much to grind. We intentionally designed the Encore to fit nicely under most kitchen cabinets without sacrificing power or quality, and to bring value to your daily grind.

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