
eco cafe brew guide

NOTE: The following specifications have been tested on the Fellow Pour-Over Dripper, and will work well on the Kalita Wave. The recipe can be adjusted to work for the Hario V60 (mainly experiment with a coarser grind)


Water temperature: 200˚F

Coffee amount: 22g

Grind size: Medium grind (between fine sea salt and kosher salt) or 17-23 on Baratza Encore/Virtuoso

Yield: 12oz


Step 1: Heat 500g of water to 200˚F.
Step 2: Weigh out and grind 22g of beans to medium coarseness.
Step 3: Place a filter in your dripper and rinse it with hot water; rinse your brew carafe and cups with hot water to preheat. Don’t forget to empty this water before brewing!
Step 4: Add the ground coffee to the filter and tare your scale.
Step 5: Saturate the grounds with 50g of water and allow the coffee to bubble (bloom) for 30 seconds.
Step 6: At 30 seconds, pour water in concentric circles until you reach 200g. Make sure all the grounds are saturated and no coffee is sticking to the filter; allow to drain.
Step 7: At around 50 seconds, pour water in concentric circles until you reach 365g.

The brew time should be 3 minutes; adjust your grind finer if it took less time, or adjust it coarser if it took more time. Serve and enjoy!


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